Friday, June 14, 2024

SE: Is teleworking during a secondment in the frame of a MSCA Staff Exchanges project allowed?

Once the fellow moved to the place where the hosting organisation is established, they are intended to be subjected to the same conditions of the staff of the hosting organisation. The MSCA financial guide foresee the following obligation towards the seconded staff (p. 16):

‘Ensure that the researchers enjoy at the place of the implementation at least the same standards and working conditions as those applicable to local researchers holding a similar position.’

Therefore, if national law or internal practice of the hosting organisation allows limited teleworking, this is not in contrast with Staff Exchanges rules, as long as the transnational mobility took place. However, the possibility of teleworking should be consistent with the type of tasks foreseen in the Grant Agreement and its annexes to be performed during the secondment.

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