Monday, July 8, 2024

PF: Given that the UK has associated to Horizon Europe, how will time spent in the UK during the non-association be treated for the purpose of establishing long-term residence for the 2024 MSCA Global Fellowship call?

According to the MSCA Work Programme 2023-2025Long-term residence means a period of legal and continuous residence within EU Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries of at least five consecutive years. Periods of absence from the territory of the EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country will be taken into account for the calculation of this period where they are shorter than six consecutive months and do not exceed in total ten months within this period.”

As long as these conditions are met, the researcher could be considered eligible, provided that all the other eligibility conditions are also met.

Due to the entry into force of the UK withdrawal agreement as of 1 February 2020, periods from this date until the effective Horizon Europe association of the UK as of 1 January 2024 cannot be considered as valid to acquire the long-term residence within the meaning of the MSCA Work Programme.


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