Monday, October 28, 2024

All actions: Has the MSCA DESCA template been finalised and is it available online?

It is published on KoWi’s (EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations) website; direct link:

Link to page:

The model Consortium Agreement for Doctoral Networks and Staff Exchanges projects was drawn up by BAK AG Recht (Working Group on Legal Affairs of the Federal Working Group of EU Officers at Universities in Germany) on the basis of the DESCA Consortium Agreement for Horizon Europe.

DN: What expenses should the recruiting beneficiary cover for the Doctoral Candidates’ long-term secondments (over 6 months)?

In a MSCA Doctoral Networks, secondments of six months or less which require mobility from the place of residence must be financed using the Research, Training and Networking costs in order to prevent an unreasonable financial burden for the recruited researchers. This includes at least the travel and accommodation costs. Costs for visa-related fees should also be covered by the same cost category.

For long-term secondments, it is recommended that the beneficiary makes arrangements with the researcher and the receiving institution in order to avoid double charges (e.g., accommodation).

For secondments shorter than 6 months, fellows will probably keep their principal residence and to avoid them paying for two housings, the beneficiary must cover the accommodation costs related to their secondments. 

However, for secondments longer than 6 months, fellows will probably relocate and won’t have to pay for two residences. Therefore, for secondments longer than 6 months, it is not mandatory for the beneficiary to pay for the secondment costs. For example, for a one-year secondment, it is not mandatory for the beneficiary to pay for the secondment costs (even for the first six months).

However, while not mandatory, it is still allowed for the beneficiary to cover a part of the long-term secondments’ costs from the RTN costs budget, if they want to do so.

Friday, October 18, 2024

DN: Is it necessary to hire an Ethics Advisor for projects touching on Artificial Intelligence and ethical issues?

The requirement to hire an independent Ethics Advisor is an outcome of the Ethics Review process and can be added as an additional requirement during the Grant Agreement Preparation stage. Projects can include an Ethics Advisor position already in the project proposal.

DN: Can the European Space Agency be an Associate partner in a Doctoral Networks proposal?

Yes, the European Space Agency is eligible to participate in a Doctoral Networks proposal as an Associate partner.

DN: Can the same supervisor participate in multiple Doctoral Networks applications?

Yes, they can, in case they have the capacity to mentor several doctoral candidates. They may indicate in each proposal how much time they would dedicate towards supervision, for example % of full-time equivalent per candidate, in case of any cross check between proposals. It should sum up reasonably, of course. It would also be a good practice to inform the respective consortia of the fact that they are participating in several applications, as the consortia are competing and it may be considered conflict of interest.

DN: Is it possible to have a doctoral candidate employed in a company in country A and enrolled in a doctoral programme in country B?

Yes, this is possible. The PhD awarding entity needs to be at least an associated partner.